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Let us know how we can improve. Vote on existing ideas or suggest new ones.
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Caption reduces image width
I did post this request at the WP forum already, but I guess this is a better place for it. Check this topic and reply from David:
Wish GP can have an infinite scroll feature on a single post page.
Wish GP can have an infinite scroll feature on a single post page. Something like "Autoload Previous Post" in Wpastra.
Reduce widget padding when Content Layout is One Container
This applies to the free version of GeneratePress. Please reduce widget padding on left/right side to 0 when Content Layout is set at One Container. The widget padding on left/right side is not needed in this case, and doesn't look nice.
Sticky Navigation – Site Title instead of Logo
I’m using the Sticky Navigation feature (Layout > Sticky Navigation). Currently you can only add a logo next to the navigation. I don’t have a logo, so it would be nice if there’s a setting to display Site Title instead.
More grid css capability in the UI
Like "grid-template-areas" and "place-self" to be able accomplish layouts like this
Support Style Book of Gutenberg
I'd love to see a support of the Gutenberg Style Book. This makes it possible to style core blocks and could be enhanced to allow also the easy styling of generateblocks
A :root variable for the container width setting defined in the customiser
Hi, I would like to have a :root variable of the container width setting in the customizer for use in custom css. It would be easy to do calc() definitions dynamically connected with this setting. Thanks a lot. Kind regards Claus
Make Search & Filter Pro v3 work on the GB query loop block
In the new version 3 of Search & Filter Pro ( you can apply their extensive filters on the standard WordPress Query loop block. It would be great to be able to apply these filters on the GB query loop block. Th
Full Support for ACF
Full support for ACF would be highly appreciated.
One-click load external CSS libraries or global styles import
Would love to be able to load external styles (or clone them into GP global styles) from a CSS library like Tailwind. Would be awesome to have a one-click import from popular libraries into GP global styles.
Element categories
We have some sites that have dozens of elements, and the list can be very unwieldy. The filter by type is helpful sometimes, but not always (since a vast majority of our elements are usually just a block type). It would be AWESOME if we would be abl
Post view and Star Rating
There are plenty of plugins that display how many time a post has been viewed and allows users to rate the post; however, they usually tend to slow down the website. These two little things actually encourage people to participate and interact with
Duplicate elements
It would be cool if we could duplicate elements.
Loop – carousel for post
Hello ! When the feature will come to add a carousel for a loop in generateblocks ? Best regards, Nicolas
A variant selection / toggle for Local Patterns (like Figma)
Hi Generate team! Technically, this is already possible with the new class-based system which is 100% awesome btw! So thank you for that! However, my idea is a bit more intuitive for non-developers like a toggle or select field for Local Patterns
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